[Nike廣告] I got soul, but I’m not a soldier


但一點都沒又看膩的感覺~ 因為內容意義深遠啊~

本廣告歌曲是擷取自The Killers樂團的All These Things That I’ve Done 經典歌曲~

每個運動員都有其背後的辛酸血淚 (Kop 也寫了篇好文介紹,我就不再多說)

印象最深刻是廣告片尾的跑者 Oscar Pistorius

原來他是個雙腿截肢的跑者 (原本我還以為只是為了畫面好看的跑者 XD)

Oscar Pistorius-1

Oscar Pistorius-2


[中文] Kop blog:I’ve got soul
[中文] Long time no see: I got soul

Nike CM

The killers MV:


When there’s nowhere else to run
Is there room for one more son
One more son
If you can hold on
If you can hold on, hold on

I wanna stand up, I wanna let go
You know, you know – no you don’t, you don’t
I wanna shine on in the hearts of men
I want a meaning from the back of my broken hand

Another head aches, another heart breaks
I am so much older than I can take
And my affection, well it comes and goes
I need direction to perfection, no no no no

Help me out
Yeah, you know you got to help me out
Yeah, oh don’t you put me on the back burner
You know you got to help me out

And when there’s nowhere else to run
Is there room for one more son
These changes ain’t changing me
The cold-hearted boy I used to be

Yeah, you know you got to help me out
Yeah, oh don’t you put me on the back burner
You know you got to help me out, yeah.
You’re gonna bring yourself down
Yeah, you’re gonna bring yourself down
Yeah, you’re gonna bring yourself down

I got soul, but I’m not a soldier
I got soul, but I’m not a soldier
I got soul, but I’m not a soldier
I got soul, but I’m not a soldier
I got soul, but I’m not a soldier
I got soul, but I’m not a soldier
I got soul, but I’m not a soldier
I got soul, but I’m not a soldier
I got soul, but I’m not a soldier
I got soul, but I’m not a soldier

Yeah, you know you got to help me out
Yeah, oh don’t you put me on the back burner
You know you got to help me out, yeah.
You’re gonna bring yourself down, yeah.
You’re gonna bring yourself down
Yeah, oh don’t you put me on the back burner
You’re gonna bring yourself down
Yeah, you’re gonna bring yourself down

Over and out, last call for sin
While everyone’s lost, the battle is won
With all these things that I’ve done
All these things that I’ve done
If you can hold on
If you can hold on

OSCAR PISTORIUS – The Blade Runner

6 thoughts on “[Nike廣告] I got soul, but I’m not a soldier”

  1. “印象最深刻是廣告片尾的跑者 Oscar Pistorius
    原來他是個雙腿截肢的跑者 (原本我還以為只是為了畫面好看的跑者 XD)”

    Sorry!! 那個最後暗暗的畫面,我還跟老婆說怎麼nike的廣告也學聯強,連小偷也知道要穿nike跑比較快….


  2. Oscar Pistorius是一出生就沒有下肢的, 南非人. 還曾因為參加正常人而非殘障人的比賽中跑得比正常人快而被非議. (因為義肢比正常腿輕…), 國際運動聯盟(IAAF)後來還因此列出新規則, 規定未來的比賽者不得以帶有彈簧, 輪子或任何讓使用者產生 ‘優勢’ 的任何器物參賽. 真是可笑. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Pistorius. 在被禁賽一年後, 終於在法院的訴訟幫Oscar平反了, 認為IAAF並沒有實際證據證明義肢比正常的腿好.

    我想Oscar只是身殘, 那些制定規則不準他參賽的人是腦殘了吧!


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