晚安 windows NT


台北火車站的中國信託服務站有個大喇喇的螢幕, 螢幕上又是微軟親切的畫面


拍照的時間並不是準備下班的時間,而是下午一點多…. 這麼快電腦就要下班啦….

這算是安然入睡, 可惜不是慘死的藍色畫面

2 thoughts on “晚安 windows NT”

  1. This is not the problem of Microsoft. Most developers who made the software to run in this public space sucked. They abused Microsoft’s technologies. Popping error messages or forgetting to disable any popup windows is the major mistake these bad developers made. Microsoft Windows has event logging and supports stdout and stderr. I work in Microsoft and I can tell you a lot of testing and investigating work here is done by piping the error messages and write them to log files. Sometimes XML formats are used in logging errors, too


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